(1) Extract all of the files in the ZIP file you dowloaded (the one that contained this text file) to a single directory on your hard drive. (2) Download the DDP Player appropriate for your operating system: http://www.saffmastering.com/pc.zip http://www.saffmastering.com/mac.zip (2) Install it using the following license key: 9709-ED59-4BB0-5060 (3) Launch the DDP Player. In the location where you extracted the Wav files, you'll also see a file with a ".cue" extension. Drag and drop that cue file into the main DDP Player window. (4) Once the cue file is loaded, you can listen using the DDP Player's controls. (5) If you have a CDR drive capable of burning an audio CD, you can burn a disc for listening on stereos (strongly recommended) by following these steps: (a) put a blank CDR into your drive (b) click Burn CD (c) click Audio CD (d) configure the burning menu appropriately, and then click Start